FUGE Camps 2013: The Big Picture

Tomorrow is the day, the day that thousands of students and adults will be pouring into locations across the country for camp this summer. From California to Mobile, and all through the south 500 staffers will be working to minister to the Church this summer. Would you join me in prayer over camp this summer?


We are looking at the Big Picture this summer at camp. We will proclaim the biblical truth that Jesus was there at creation, and that the Spirit is God with us today, with many lessons in between. We will be sharing with students some things they have never understood, or even never heard. Please pray that our staffers will get out-of-the-way and let the Spirit move through us. Knowing that it is Christ who has authority and not us, that He will use us to do His work.

I told my staff last night that there is nothing better to do with your life than to proclaim the name and greatness of Jesus. For the next 8 weeks staffers across the country will be doing just that everyday. Pray that we are strengthened by that truth and that we understand the weight of communicating this essential truth.

55,000 campers this summer. That is 55,000 chances to tell people about Jesus, to encourage others along in their ministry, and to serve others. Here in Charleston we will be working with the elderly, handicapped, special needs, children, and many others. When they ask why we would spend our summer in the hot sun serving those we don’t know we get to tell them a great truth. That we love Jesus because He first loved us, and we love them because of that and it’s our joy to serve them (1 John 4). There is nothing better to do with this life than to tell others about Jesus.

My prayer for our staff is that we love-well, learn-well, and serve-well this summer. My prayer for all the camps this summer that represent FUGE is that we make much of Jesus. This is personally my third summer and I find it funny when people say, “It’s so great you give up your summer to do camp.” I am NOT giving up one single thing by doing camp. Rather surrendering and obeying a God who makes me righteous. Is there any better thing to do in life than tell others about Him?

Pray for the students and adults coming to camp this summer. Pray that lives are changed, that they are freed from bondage, they chase after Jesus relentlessly, and they commit to working for the eternal Kingdom. That they agree there is nothing better to do with your life than to tell others about Jesus.

Pray for the staff. These will be long days and long weeks for the staffers. They will hear things that will be difficult to hear, because we are in a broken world. Pray that they continually everyday to seek Jesus and are growing themselves. Pray that when campers see us that they Jesus, and God alone gets the glory.

It’s going to be a great summer. 55,000 chances to tell, show, serve, and love. To point all to Jesus. Soli Deo Gloria.