God Blessing America and Legislating Morality

Earlier this morning I had my wisdom teeth surgically removed. As I have napped and laid in bed I have though about the Republican debate last night, recent events here in the states, and concerns from christians. Often we hear about if we will pray God will hear our land (I wrote about that here). Is that true though? Sorry of any typos, I am still la little loopy and sluggish, but I would love to hear your thoughts.

Over the summer the Supreme Court ruled according to their interpretation the Constitution did not permit the banning of so-called same-sex marriage. Just like that in all 50 states homosexuals legally had the right to wed in the eyes of the American government. A county clerk in Kentucky, Kim Davis, has gotten a lot of attention for not issuing so-called same-sex marriage licenses. Her argument is that it violates her conscience and seeks an accommodation. I have a lot of thoughts on this situations but will not express them here.

Also over the past several weeks a group has released video after video of planned parent videos. Videos that show the selling or baby parts, and other heinous acts. This coming onto a collision with our elected officials very soon and I think things are going to get very interesting.

I want to make it very clear to you that I oppose so-called same-sex marriage, and I hate and oppose abortion. However, the question must be asked if we made laws against these and all others laws if America then would come back under the blessing that we have allegedly lost. You may disagree with me, I may be wrong, but I would like if you would read the words I will write and offer any rebuttal or thoughts you may have.

I will start with this: you cannot legislate morality. If so-called same-sex marriage was banned this would not end same-sex relationships. Marriage is only part of the issue. Simply making something illegal brings no glory to God. Same with abortion. Abortion could be (and should be) made illegal, but the reality is that abortion would most likely never cease altogether.

God is not into behavioral modification. He doesn’t want people not to get married because the law says they cannot, but still live together as a married couple would. As honorable as it would be to round up and prosecute all who perform abortions, He does not want people seeking illegal ways for it to happen. God is not about simply changing the way we live and going through the motions because of laws; friends that is legalism. God wants to transform our hearts.

Israel was God’s chosen nation of the Old Testament. They knew God, they were HIs people. They failed. Those Ten Commandments we fight to have displayed, they failed all of the, every year. This is why Yom Kippur existed. God sent prophets, curses, and captivity to a nation that He called His own. No man or woman is capable of keeping the law. That’s the point! You see, Israel had the laws and still failed. Their theocracy no longer exist even though the laws were put in place. Why? Because we are sinful and we act as we please. Israel knew and experience God in a much different way that the United States. The law was completely moral and they lost their land, and were taken into captivity more than once.

See, you can make all the laws you want. However, if people do not experience the life changing  power of the Gospel, if that doesn’t change them like on Jesus can then God gets no glory. He gets no glory our of legalism, He gets no glory for us following the law out of fear. No, God receives the Glory when He is our utmost satisfaction. God is glorified when we follow Him not because of laws but because we know that’s where joy is. God is glorified when we forsake who we are to make Him known.

We are not a Christian nation. Laws making us look more Christian do not make us that, and they will not bring blessing. What every individual here, and around the world, is to have their eyes opened to the reality of who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. Legislating morality I believe models that of the pharisees in the Bible. It does not mean we let go of our morals however. It means that we know our work will not bring God’s blessing, but only His work can do that. So what do we do? We go. We tell everyone. We pray. We fight for the voiceless. We serve the needy. We serve those against us. We love everyone. And we speak the Gospel with our words and lives. You want change? Turn to the only Sovereign who can bring the change. Legislating morality is a poor savior and it will not work. Jesus though will change and transform lives, something we all desperately need